MPanel Shade Designer v11 released with major new upgrades

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New release of MPanel Shade Designer includes many new features and function upgrades: User Interface – This completely new user interface combines hi-res design and reports with a ribbon toolbar. New Features – New General Layout Report Add walls Sail center connection option Undo/Redo Snap to grid New & Improved Tools: Speed pole – add multiple poles quickly Select…

MPanel-Pro v24 release

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MPanel Pro v24 Update  Check out the great new features such as Draw Conic Advanced now supports building multiple conics at the same time and ensures the mesh msurf is the same for all joining meshes. Show hole in mesh allows for design creativity and improved client proposals and presentations. Show seams in model allows…

MPanel InSite v2 released with major new upgrades

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New release of MPanel InSite includes many new features and function upgrades: User Interface – This completely new user interface combines hi-res design and reports with a ribbon toolbar. New Features – New General Layout Report Add walls Sail center connection option Undo/Redo Snap to grid New & Improved Tools: Speed pole – add multiple poles quickly Select and…

MPanel v22 released with major function upgrades

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New release of MPanel-Pro includes new features and a major function upgrade: Automated Scripts – This major new feature allows recording of all production functions from paneling throughout to panel output. This is a powerful new feature for users who make different sizes of the same product—simply apply the same script to automate the conversion of a…

MPanel v21 released with great new features

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New release of MPanel includes many new features: Flying (cable supported) masts for conics and tents with new reports providing cable tensions for the support cables Deflection of Encastre (Cantilever) pole tops can now be modeled during relaxation allowing accurate determination of link lengths Corner links can now be automatically added to conics and tents New…